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Looking for up-to-date contact information for sport and recreation organizations? You may remember that the Municipality of the District of Lunenburg's recreation department used to publish a 'Lunenburg County Youth Activity Contacts' directory. However, contact information is always changing, and we found we could no longer accurately maintain this information.

In its place is South Shore, a growing database of recreation opportunities in our region.

South Shore is the information gateway for individuals, groups and families to better navigate sport, recreation and physical activity opportunities in Lunenburg, Queens, Shelburne and Yarmouth Counties.

South Shore is a joint venture supported by South Shore Active Communities (SSAC), Lunenburg Queens Recreation Coordinators/Directors Association (LQRCDA), Yarmouth Shelburne Municipal Recreation Association (YSMRA), and the Province of Nova Scotia.

The site is available now, and we invite you to visit and search for what you're looking for! There is information on many sport organizations, program registration, cultural activities, funding opportunities, trails, and much much more.

South Shore Connect