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The Municipality maintains three wastewater treatment plants and five sewer collection systems at New Germany, Cookville, Hebbville and Conquerall Bank (Shore Drive and Riverside Drive subdivision off of Highway 331).

The New Germany, Cookville and Conquerall Bank systems have their own approved sewage treatment plants; the Hebbville system is connected to the Town of Bridgewater system, with treatment provided by the Town sewage treatment plant.

In addition to these public sewer systems, the Municipality, through the Lunenburg Regional Community Recycling Centre, operates a septage disposal and treatment facility, for the use of licensed septic tank waste haulers. For further information, please contact the Recycling Centre at (902) 543-2991, or via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Each municipal public sewer system is supported by property taxes of the connected properties each serves.

Sewer Back Up

If you experience a sewer back up, please call a plumber to determine that the blockage is not in your sewer lateral.

If the plumber determines that the blockage is not the responsibility of the resident, please contact the Engineering Department.

After hours, call the emergency number (902) 543-9193 and follow the prompts.

Please note that all complaints are recorded and monitored until resolved.

Engineering Department Contacts:

Ron MacPhee, Wastewater Operator (902) 521-3016

Shane White, Wastewater Operator (902) 521-2023