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News release: LaHave River Straight Pipe Replacement Program Complete
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- Published: Friday, 28 April 2023 11:00

MUNICIPALITY OF THE DISTRICT OF LUNENBURG, NOVA SCOTIA – The Municipality is proud to announce the completion of our commitment to achieving a straight pipe-free Lower LaHave River by 2023.
The LaHave River Straight Pipe Replacement Program was launched in 2017 in the Wastewater Management District (WWMD), encompassing 1,739 properties. Over five construction seasons, 357 on-site sewage disposal systems were installed. The Municipality located qualifying properties by asking owners to provide information about their existing system. If information was not available, MODL accessed the property for inspection. 884 inspections were carried out under the program to locate qualifying properties, with remaining property owners providing proof of a system or enrolling directly into the program.
“Reliable wastewater treatment protects the environment and supports community development. I’m excited to see the improvements in the LaHave River water quality from this project, and the benefits it provides to Nova Scotians. The Government of Canada’s investments are building cleaner, more inclusive communities across the country,” said Kody Blois, Member of Parliament for Kings—Hants, on behalf of the Honourable Dominic LeBlanc, Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs, Infrastructure and Communities.
“The LaHave River plays an important role in our community and means a great deal to its residents,” said Education and Early Childhood Development Minister Becky Druhan, on behalf of Municipal Affairs and Housing Minister John Lohr. “We can all take pride in knowing that our actions will help foster safer, environmentally sustainable communities and help preserve the natural beauty in Nova Scotia.”
The Municipality managed the design and installation of approved on-site septic systems for the property, with the project based on full cost recovery. Any program costs not recoverable via federal and provincial grants were recovered by property owners who benefit from the replacements. The majority of the program costs were eligible for two-thirds cost sharing from the federal and provincial governments. The Government of Canada has invested $5,247,060 in the construction of the LaHave River Straight Pipe Replacement Program through the New Building Canada Fund’s Provincial-Territorial Infrastructure Component-Small Communities Fund.
“I would like to thank the provincial and federal government for their commitment to funding this project, Bluenose Coastal Action Foundation for their work over the past decade to bring this issue to Council and for their hard work in testing and research, Stella Bowles for using her voice to bring this issue to national attention, and the Lunenburg County Community Fund for their million-dollar investment, and commitment to seeing this project happen,” said Mayor Carolyn Bolivar-Getson. “I must also express gratitude to all the property owners who participated in the program, past and current Councils for their commitment to moving this project forward, and to our Project Manager, Maria Butts, for her exceptional work in finishing this project on time, and on budget.”
The Municipality is proud to have successfully met the objective of removing all straight pipes from the lower LaHave River on time and within funding limits.
Media contact:
Sarah Kucharski
Manager, Corporate Services and Communications
(902) 541-1328
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News release: Municipality Asks Residents to Pledge Not to Mow in May
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- Published: Tuesday, 18 April 2023 08:11

April 18, 2023 / For Immediate Release
MUNICIPALITY OF THE DISTRICT OF LUNENBURG, NOVA SCOTIA – Spring is in the air–are you ready to fire up the lawnmower? The Municipality of the District of Lunenburg (MODL) and the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) is hoping you’ll think twice about mowing your lawn this May.
According to the NCC, No Mow May is a call to help wild pollinators and other wildlife in the greenspaces where we live. With habitat loss and degradation as the major cause of wildlife decline, the non-profit land conservation organization is suggesting that keeping your lawn mower in the shed for the month of May can benefit nature.
By letting flowers bloom on your lawn, including dandelions, you can provide an important source of nectar and pollen for wild bees, butterflies, and other pollinating insects.
Residents can register for No Mow May Challenge and be entered to win gift cards from local garden centres at Challenge participants can also pick up their free No Mow May lawn sign from the Municipal Services Building at 10 Allée Champlain Drive during regular business hours, while supplies last.
“No Mow May is a community science initiative that encourages property owners to limit lawn mowing practices during the month of May to provide early season foraging resources for pollinators that emerge in the spring, especially in urban landscapes when few floral resources are available,” said Mayor Carolyn Bolivar-Getson. “I hope residents will join us in this important initiative.”
MODL acknowledges residents may have concerns about ticks. Recent research has shown that mowing your lawn less often to provide native bees a better habitat won't lead to an increase in disease-carrying ticks. While blacklegged ticks can be found in some yards, blacklegged ticks need near 100% humidity for at least part of the day and prefer areas with significant leaf litter, not lawns.
Media contact:
Sarah Kucharski
Manager, Corporate Services and Communications
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(902) 541-1328
News release: Municipality Passes 2023-24 Budget
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- Published: Tuesday, 11 April 2023 12:20

MUNICIPALITY OF THE DISTRICT OF LUNENBURG, NOVA SCOTIA – The Municipality of the District of Lunenburg approved the 2023-24 operating and capital budgets at the Tuesday, April 11 Council meeting.
The Municipality approved its annual operating budget of $38,936,500 with a $27,700 surplus. The capital budget and Canada Community-Building Fund investment totals $9,420,024. This budget continues the Municipality’s track record of strong financial management, while continuing to meet the needs of residents.
“The commercial and residential tax rate remains unchanged in this budget. While assessed values increased, the percentage change of revenue from property assessments is projected to increase just 6.72%, from $28,607,400 to $30,529,500, and there are significant cost pressures due to inflation,” said Mayor Carolyn Bolivar-Getson.
“Council has a 5-year financial strategy that guides our budgeting decisions. This strategy continues to allow us to invest in our four major areas of priority: Osprey Village Growth Centre, improving our current parks and open spaces, executing on our Climate Change Action Plan, and developing a Coastal Protection Land Use By-law and a comprehensive Municipal Planning Strategy. Council is making major capital investments that will support housing, economic growth, coastal protection, and reaching net-zero emissions. We will continue to be a place where people can live, work and raise families.”
Major Capital Investment Summary by Category
Water, Wastewater, and Environmental Protection Projects $2,825,000
Corporate Infrastructure and Accessibility Projects $1,715,000
Trail Development Projects $1,721,024
Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Projects $1,010,000
Parks & Open Space Projects $924,000
Economic Development Projects $675,000
Paving Projects - Roads and Shoulders $550,000
Total $9,420,024
Read the Budget highlights at:
Media contact:
Elana Wentzell, CPA CMA
Director of Finance and Municipal Treasurer
Municipality of the District of Lunenburg
(902) 541-1322
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News release: Municipality to Close the Gap by Expediting Coastal Protection Land Use Planning
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- Published: Wednesday, 29 March 2023 14:01

The Municipality of the District of Lunenburg’s Council passed a motion to direct staff to expedite coastal protection land use planning.
When it comes to regulating coastal development, Municipal Council recognizes that a number of “gaps” currently exist that must be addressed including the creation of coastal protection land use planning by the Municipality and the adoption of the Coastal Protection Act Regulations by the Province.
“The protection of our shorelines and sensitive coastal ecosystems is the responsibility of both the Province and the Municipality and the time is now for both levels of government to take immediate action to fill these Gaps. The Municipality is moving forward with a plan to resolve the Gap in its jurisdiction by expediting municipal planning for shoreline protection,” said Mayor Carolyn Bolivar-Getson.
Council has directed staff to bring a report and recommendation to the next Council Meeting outlining how MODL can move forward with coastal protection land use planning including a workplan and timeline for the adoption of the Coastal Protection Land Use Bylaw.
“The development on Crescent Beach that has recently received public attention is the latest example of the gap that currently exists between Municipal Bylaws and Provincial Legislation with respect to the protection of our sensitive coastal ecosystems,” said Mayor Carolyn Bolivar-Getson. “The decision to expedite coastal protection land use planning is intended to close the municipal gap.”
“In addition to directing staff to expedite coastal protection land use planning, Council also directed my office to send correspondence to the Provincial Government requesting that the Province approve and adopt the Coastal Protection Act Regulations immediately so as to close the Provincial gap,” said Mayor Carolyn Bolivar-Getson.
Media contact:
Sarah Kucharski
Manager, Corporate Services and Communications
(902) 541-1328
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News release: Municipality Asks Province for a Moratorium on Coastal Development in MODL
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- Published: Wednesday, 29 March 2023 14:00

The Municipality of the District of Lunenburg’s Council is committed to protecting our coast and shoreline and, to demonstrate that commitment, Council has taken the extraordinary step of requesting a moratorium on coastal development in the Municipality.
“The use of moratoriums as a tool to limit coastal development while policy is being created is not new to the Maritimes,” said Mayor Bolivar-Getson. “The Province of PEI has recently issued a moratorium on coastal development through Ministerial Order which is intended to be in place until a formal policy can be developed.
“We want to work collaboratively with the Premier and the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing to enact a moratorium on coastal development until staff can develop a Municipal Coastal Protection Land Use Bylaw approved by Council, or until the adoption of the Coastal Protection Act & Regulations by the Province, whichever comes first,” said Mayor Carolyn Bolivar-Getson.
Municipal Council has directed staff to expedite coastal protection land use planning and the Mayor has been directed to send correspondence to the Provincial Government requesting that the Coastal Protection Act Regulations be adopted immediately.
“While we recognize the importance of taking the time necessary to develop detailed and clear rules governing shoreline development, Council strongly feels that an interim measure is necessary to pause coastal development until the Provincial Legislation is effective or Municipal Bylaws created,” adds Mayor Bolivar-Getson.
Media contact:
Sarah Kucharski
Manager, Corporate Services and Communications
(902) 541-1328
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Grant Application Deadline Extended
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- Published: Tuesday, 28 March 2023 14:20

MODL Council has removed the eligibility requirement for non-profit organizations that charge a membership fee from the Community Grants Program Sponsorship Requests Policy. In light of this change, the Annual Operating Grants and Major Recreation Capital Grants deadline has been extended until Friday, April 28, 2023.
For more information, please call 902-541-1321
Forms are available on our website at
News release: Upgraded wastewater and active transportation infrastructure to benefit residents of Town of Lunenburg and Municipality of the District of Lunenburg
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- Published: Monday, 13 March 2023 11:28

Read the complete news release from the Government of Canada:
News release: MODL and TOB Funding Tiny Shelter Grant Program
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- Published: Thursday, 19 January 2023 14:52

The Municipality of the District of Lunenburg and the Town of Bridgewater will share in funding the Town’s new Tiny Shelter Grant Program through a commitment of $15,000 from each municipality.
In November 2022, the Town of Bridgewater made amendments to its Grants to Organizations policy to create the Tiny Shelter Grant Program. The program is designed to financially assist organizations interested in acquiring and hosting a tiny shelter on their property.
Thanks to the Municipality of the District of Lunenburg’s contribution, the funds available through the program have been doubled. Qualifying organizations are now eligible to be awarded a grant of up to $2,000 for one season (November 1, 2022 to May 1, 2023) and a grant of up to $6,000 for three seasons, from 2022-23 to 2024-25.
“I want to say a huge thank you to Mayor Carolyn Bolivar-Getson and the councillors from the District of Lunenburg,” said Bridgewater Mayor David Mitchell following the January 16 Town Council meeting at which recent amendments to the policy were finalized.
“This was not prompted – it was the Municipality coming to the Town and saying that they would like to be a part of the program,” he added. “We really appreciate their contribution to the program, and it will have a major positive impact for those struggling to find shelter locally.”
The cost of a single tiny shelter can range from $10,000 to $15,000, not including furnishings, utility hookups, or site preparation, meaning a significant portion of the cost is still shared by the hosting organization. The new funds, the mayors agreed, will be a big help in a time of need.
“Currently, there are two tiny shelters in Bridgewater, and we know there have been ongoing conversations for additional tiny shelters with other community partners,” said Mayor Bolivar-Getson. “We believe this jointly funded grant will offer greater assistance to the community organizations helping those in need in the community.”
Media contacts:
Patrick Hirtle
Manager of Community Attraction and Communications
Town of Bridgewater
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Alex Dumaresq
Deputy CAO
Municipality of the District of Lunenburg
(902) 541-1332
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News release: Municipality Receives High Marks from Business Owners
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- Published: Tuesday, 10 January 2023 16:20

January 10, 2023 / For Immediate Release
MUNICIPALITY OF THE DISTRICT OF LUNENBURG, NOVA SCOTIA – The Municipality of the District of Lunenburg, along with the municipalities of Chester and Queens, undertook a Business Retention and Expansion (BR+E) survey for business owners this past fall.
The goal of the survey was to better understand the plans and needs of local businesses and how business owners or managers view the community as a place to do business. MODL is pleased to report that the Municipality exceeded regional and national scores in many areas.
MODL’s Net Promoter Score of +31% was well above the regional average of +21%. The Net Promoter Score is a widely used market research metric. MODL was scored on the question I would recommend this Municipality to another business looking to expand or relocate. Of 100 respondents, 91% somewhat agree or strongly agree with this statement. To the question, Overall, how satisfied are you with The Municipality as a place to own and operate a business? 95% of respondents somewhat agree or strongly agree.
MODL scored the highest in the areas of Municipal marketing efforts to advertise the region (social media, web presence, etc.) (87% somewhat or strongly agree), Ability of the Municipality to attract tourists (85% somewhat or strongly agree), Ability of the Municipality to attract new residents (85% somewhat or strongly agree), and Availability of retail space (85% somewhat or strongly agree).
MODL scored lowest in Availability of skilled labour (31% somewhat or strongly agree) and Availability of health and medical services (33% somewhat or strongly agree).
As identified by survey respondents, their top priorities for MODL are:
1. Availability of health and medical services
2. Availability of adequate housing
3. Availability of funding programs for business and property improvement
The Municipality is working to address these concerns, with over 700 new residential units being planned for Osprey Village and the newly announced Lumia Health Collaborative Health Care Centre. These efforts will help address the top priority issues and contribute to MODL’s ability to attract additional skilled and unskilled workers.
MODL outperformed the national average on businesses’ ratings of many of the Business Health Index sub-scores, including historical revenue changes, community recommendation
and changes in business attitudes (765 versus a national average of 743 and a regional average of 749).
“The valuable information provided by our local businesses will be used to plan economic development activities focused on their top priorities,” says Mayor Carolyn Bolivar-Getson. “These businesses provide employment, services, and vibrancy to our community, impacting the day-to-day lives of all our residents. We look forward to digging deep into the survey responses to develop action plans to continue meeting the needs of our existing and future businesses.”
Media contact:
Sarah Kucharski
Manager, Corporate Services and Communications
(902) 541-1328
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News release: Municipality Assumes Management of Pinegrove Outdoor Play Park
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- Published: Thursday, 15 December 2022 08:16

MUNICIPALITY OF THE DISTRICT OF LUNENBURG, NOVA SCOTIA – The Municipality of the District of Lunenburg will assume management of the Pinegrove Outdoor Play Park effective December 19, 2022.
While the land the park is situated on is owned by MODL, the park itself has been managed by the Pinegrove Outdoor Play Association (POPA) since 2011. The Municipality provided POPA an annual operating grant to help manage and maintain the park, and POPA volunteers contributed their time, money, and fundraising efforts to maintain and expand park features. The park now includes an outdoor hockey rink, a splash pad, playground equipment, soccer field, little free lending library, washroom, and seating areas.
“This was not an easy decision to make,” said Board member Stephanie Crouse-Mailman. “We were hopeful after two community meetings this fall that we would be able to refresh the Board with new members. However, we understand that people are busy with family and jobs making time for volunteering a challenge. The Association has always been supported by MODL Council and the Department of Recreation, Parks, and Tourism and we are appreciative and thankful for this support, but feel it is time to request the Municipality take over management of the park.”
“The Municipality is in the process of developing park standards which will outline amenities, features, and service levels to be provided at each park. When Council determines the park standards, this will provide staff the direction as to the amenities, features, and service levels that will be provided at Pinegrove going forward,” said Trudy Payne, Director of Recreation, Parks, and Tourism with MODL. “The park will be closed this winter, effective December 19, 2022, as we take the time for municipal staff to inspect the park and complete a review.”
“I want to thank the members of POPA and the community so much for your hard work and dedication to developing and maintaining such a wonderful playground for our community. It is truly a special place where children can play and learn, and adults can relax and enjoy the outdoors,” said Mayor Carolyn Bolivar-Getson. “Your efforts to create and maintain a safe and fun environment for everyone to enjoy are greatly appreciated. The Pinegrove Outdoor Play Park is a valuable asset to our community, and we are grateful for the work you invested in developing the park into the asset it is today.”
Media contact:
Sarah Kucharski
Manager, Corporate Services and Communications
(902) 541-1328
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