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News release: Municipality Awards Annual Grant Funding
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- Published: Tuesday, 22 June 2021 11:04

June 22, 2021 / For Immediate Release
MUNICIPALITY OF THE DISTRICT OF LUNENBURG, NOVA SCOTIA – Each year, the Municipality of the District of Lunenburg offers an Annual Operating and Major Recreation Capital Grant program to its non-profit groups to support the many volunteers and volunteer groups that make our communities better places to live, work and play.
This year, under the 2021-2022 Annual Operating Grant Program, the Municipality awarded $42,000 to 25 organizations. Under the Major Recreation Capital Grant Program, the Municipality awarded $35,000 to five organizations.
“Supporting our communities and community organizations is important to this Council,” says Mayor Carolyn Bolivar-Getson. “In addition to these grants, the Municipality has donated a total of $197,323 over the past year through our emergency community facility funding program.”
Read the pdf complete list of recipients (129 KB) .
Media contact:
Sarah Kucharski
Communications Officer
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(902) 541-1328
News release: MODL Temporarily Reduces Interest Rate on Overdue Tax Payments
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- Published: Wednesday, 26 May 2021 08:23

May 25, 2021 / For Immediate Release
MUNICIPALITY OF THE DISTRICT OF LUNENBURG, NOVA SCOTIA - In order to offset the financial impact on residents and businesses during COVID-19, the Municipality of the District of Lunenburg has reduced the overdue tax payment interest rate from 10% to 0% from June 1, 2021 until August 31, 2021. After August 31, 2021, the interest rate will return to the normal rate of 10%.
“We appreciate that the vast majority of residents and businesses are paying their property tax bill on time,” said Mayor Carolyn Bolivar-Getson. “However, we understand that a significant number of our residents are facing reduced hours, loss of employment, and loss of business during this time, and Council is taking measures to alleviate the financial stress put on residents and business owners. Reducing the overdue interest rate helps both resident and businesses who are having difficulty paying their tax bill and those who are currently in arrears.”
Residents are encouraged to visit to stay up-to-date on the provincial response to COVID-19.
Media contact:
Sarah Kucharski
Communications Officer
(902) 541-1328
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News release: MODL Removes Property Tax Exemption Barriers for Low-Income Homeowners
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- Published: Wednesday, 26 May 2021 08:04

May 25, 2021 / For Immediate Release
MUNICIPALITY OF THE DISTRICT OF LUNENBURG, NOVA SCOTIA – The Municipality of the District of Lunenburg is pleased to announce that they have made it easier for low-income homeowners to apply for the Property Tax Exemption.
Previously, applicants were required to submit an application that included a signed Statutory Declaration witnessed by a Barrister or Commissioner of the Supreme Court of Nova Scotia, the Mayor or Councillor (sworn as a Commissioner), or a Notary Public of the Province of Nova Scotia.
Effective immediately, applicants are only required to sign the application themselves, certifying that that have completed the application form in a truthful manner.
“The Property Tax Exemption is one of the many ways the Municipality supports our residents who are facing financial hardship,” said Mayor Carolyn Bolivar-Getson. “By removing the Statutory Declaration requirement, Council is removing an application barrier for a program that alleviates the tax burden for homeowners.”
Homeowners with household incomes under $29,999 are eligible to receive up to $500 relief from their property tax bill, based on their household income.
Household Income | Maximum Exemption Value |
Under $9,999 | Up to $500 |
$10,000 - $14,999 | Up to $400 |
$15,000 – $19,999 | Up to $250 |
$20,000 - $24,999 | Up to $150 |
$25,000 - $29,999 | Up to $100 |
To apply for the Property Tax Exemption, visit While the application deadline is August 1 each year, applications are accepted year-round, while funding permits. Applicants who have already submitted their application for this year do not need to apply again.
Media contact:
Sarah Kucharski
Communications Officer
(902) 541-1328
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News release: Municipality Passes 2021/22 Budget
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- Published: Tuesday, 11 May 2021 12:37

May 11, 2021 / For Immediate Release
MUNICIPALITY OF THE DISTRICT OF LUNENBURG, NOVA SCOTIA – The Municipality of the District of Lunenburg approved the 2021/22 operating and capital budgets at its meeting on Tuesday, May 11, 2021.
The Municipality approved its annual operating budget of $32,577,400 with a $32,800 surplus. The capital budget and gas tax investment totals $8,853,300. This budget continues the Municipality’s track record of strong financial management, while continuing to meet the needs of residents. Council will be debt-free this October, while maintaining stable tax rates and contributions to reserves.
“This Council is dedicated to using taxpayer dollars effectively and responsibly. Through the Budget process, Council must balance provincial and federal priorities, long-term initiatives, immediate needs and opportunities, and public feedback. The information gathered informs Council’s strategic priority setting process, which in turn informed the Budget document preparation,” said Mayor Carolyn Bolivar-Getson.
“We have maintained the tax rate while investing in important projects such as expanding access to high-speed Internet, the continuations of the LaHave Straight Pipe Replacement Program and significant investments in improving roads and our open spaces. Residential and commercial tax rates remain constant in this budget. The residential tax rate has not increased in 12 years, while the commercial rate has remained constant for nine years. We expect to be debt-free in October of this year.”
The 2021-22 budget focuses on four key themes:
- Making Life Affordable–by maintaining the tax rates, removing financial barriers for children and youth, and property tax rebates for low-income households.
- Building the Local Economy–through partnerships with the business community and initiatives such as high-speed Internet, a large rural road investment and investment attraction, particularly in Osprey Village.
- Protecting the Environment–continuation of the LaHave River Straight Pipe Program, investments in floodplain mapping and climate change programs, and conservation development.
- Investing in our Community–by providing various recreational opportunities across the Municipality through programming, parks and facilities, and investments in Active Transportation and Anti-Racism and Inclusion program development.
Read the budget highlights, or the 2021/2022 Municipal Budget.
Media contact:
Elana Wentzell, CPA CMA
Director of Finance and Municipal Treasurer
Municipality of the District of Lunenburg
(902) 541-1322
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News release: MODL Office Closure
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- Published: Tuesday, 27 April 2021 21:47
April 27, 2021 / For immediate release
Municipality of the District of Lunenburg, Nova Scotia. The Municipality of the District of Lunenburg will close to the public beginning April 28, providing remote services for the next two weeks. Our current plan is to re-open the Municipal Services building on May 13; however, we will reassess as necessary.
A limited number of staff will continue to work in the office, while the majority of staff will be working remotely. All services will continue to be provided by email, phone and mail. Building inspections and LaHave River Straight Pipe Replacement Program installations will continue, following social distancing guidelines. Tax payments can also be made at a bank, online, via telephone banking or using our drop box (cheques only – please do not deposit cash in the drop box).
All recreation programming is cancelled. Our parks and trails remain open, and we ask that residents follow public health guidelines and use only those parks and trails in their community.
“We proved in 2020 that we can shift quickly to remote services and continue to provide excellent service to our residents and businesses,” said Mayor Carolyn Bolivar-Getson. “It is vitally important that everyone do their part to contain the spread of COVID-19.”
Residents are encouraged to visit to stay up-to-date on the provincial response to COVID-19.
Sarah Kucharski
Communications Officer
(902) 541-1328
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News release: MODL Sells Former Administration Building
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- Published: Wednesday, 14 April 2021 10:28

April 14, 2021 / For immediate release
Municipality of the District of Lunenburg, Nova Scotia. The Municipality of the District of Lunenburg will close the sale of the former Administration Building to a numbered company belonging to Cody Hebb, Tyson Broome, and Nadeem Jan on June 15, 2021. Both Hebb and Broome are from the Lunenburg County area. The new owners plan to renovate the building and create a business centre with commercial space to lease.
“I am pleased that the former Administration building has been sold to new owners,” said Mayor Carolyn Bolivar-Getson. “Their plans to renovate the building and offer commercial space to lease are sure to be welcomed by the community.”
Sarah Kucharski
Communications Officer
(902) 541-1328
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News release: MODL Sets 2030 GHG Emissions Reduction Target
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- Published: Tuesday, 13 April 2021 14:09

April 13, 2021 / For immediate release
Municipality of the District of Lunenburg, Nova Scotia. The Municipality of the District of Lunenburg has set an ambitious 2030 Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions Reduction Target.
The setting of this target meets Milestone 2 in the Partners for Climate Protection Program (PCP). Council declared a climate emergency in October 2019 and joined the PCP to help reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions within the Municipality. Milestone 1 of the PCP program was achieved in September 2020.
The reduction will use the Municipality’s 2019 GHG inventory as the baseline year from where GHG emission reductions will be measured. The GHG reduction target of 40% by 2030 will ensure that MODL is doing its part to help limit warming.
“This target provides a tangible goal that we can work toward through the development and implementation of local plans and policies,” said Mayor Carolyn Bolivar-Getson. “Some of the actions the Municipality plans to take to reach this include transitioning municipal vehicles to electric vehicles, adding solar power to the Municipal Services building and other municipal buildings, and retrofitting older buildings to electric or geothermal heating where possible. Climate change is affecting our communities, and MODL must take a leadership role to address this crisis.”
Sarah Kucharski
Communications Officer
(902) 541-1328
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News release: Municipality Seeks Resident Input on Active Living Strategy
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- Published: Tuesday, 16 March 2021 11:44

March 16, 2021 / For immediate release
Municipality of the District of Lunenburg, Nova Scotia. The Municipality of the District of Lunenburg is in the process of reviewing and refreshing the Municipality’s Active Living Strategy, created in 2014, and is asking residents to complete a simple online survey, available at
“Active Transportation is getting around using human power whether you are walking, cycling, wheeling, skateboarding, etc. We need resident input to ensure that our plans reflect the needs of the citizens of the MODL,” said Mayor Carolyn Bolivar-Getson. “The survey takes less than 10 minutes to complete and asks questions like what kind of recreational activities residents engage in, what they’d like to see more of, and the impact of the pandemic on their activity level.”
”I look forward to receiving feedback from our MODL residents so that we can work together at enhancing opportunities for everyone to be able to engage in a healthy active lifestyle,” said Karen Geddes-Selig, MODL Active Living Coordinator.
One respondent will be randomly selected to win a draw prize of $100 gift card to a local merchant. The survey closes April 16, 2021.
The results of this public survey will assist MODL in decision making related to supporting the active lifestyles of citizens of all ages. This review and refresh process is expected to be completed by the fall of 2021.
If you require any support in completing this survey, or if you would like to complete it by phone with one of our staff, please call (902) 541-1343 to make an appointment.
Sarah Kucharski
Communications Officer
(902) 541-1328
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News release: Municipalities Endorse Lunenburg County Accessibility Plan
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- Published: Monday, 15 March 2021 10:14

March 15, 2021 / For Immediate Release
MUNICIPALITY OF THE DISTRICT OF LUNENBURG, NOVA SCOTIA – After 18 months of effort, the five municipalities in Lunenburg County have endorsed the Lunenburg County Accessibility Plan, created to improve accessibility in our region and meet the provincial mandate outlined in the Accessibility Act. The municipalities involved include the Town of Bridgewater, Town of Mahone Bay, Town of Lunenburg, Municipality of the District of Chester and the Municipality of the District of Lunenburg.
The Accessibility Plan was developed by the Joint Accessibility Advisory Committee, a committee of the five municipalities. The Committee is made up of members of the community with disabilities or with organizations that represent people with disabilities, staff, and Council members from each municipality. The Committee provided advice on identifying, preventing, and eliminating barriers experienced by people with disabilities in municipal programs, services, initiatives, and facilities, and worked with staff on the development and oversight of this plan.
Throughout the process, we heard from hundreds of people with disabilities and organizations that represent people with disabilities. The plan outlines the overarching goals for improving accessibility in Lunenburg County. It includes a summary of our community consultation and outlines how we will further identify, remove, and prevent barriers, and ways to evaluate the effect of our policies, programs, practices, and services on accessibility.
“Developing an accessibility plan for our county is a significant first step in reaching barrier-free communities. The journey we are collectively taking to erase those barriers is deliberate, responsive, and sensitive to our residents. It’s a journey I am personally happy to be making along with my colleagues and partners.” Warden Allen Webber, Municipality of Chester.
“Fostering a culture of accessibility, encouraging the prevention and removal of barriers to participation, and building capacity in these areas amongst municipal staff, Council members, and the public is of vital importance to the municipalities in Lunenburg County. I thank all of the members of the public who contributed to the development of the plan, and the Committee that moved this plan through to completion.” Mayor Carolyn Bolivar-Getson, Municipality of the District of Lunenburg.
“The Lunenburg County Accessibility Plan is a great example of what can be accomplished when our local governments work together with the best interests of our residents in mind.” David Mitchell, Town of Bridgewater.
“Accessibility is an important part of Lunenburg’s new Comprehensive Community Plan, with a focus on mobility throughout the town, facilities and services, and our built heritage. We look forward to working with our adjacent municipalities to improve accessibility for the town and all of Lunenburg County.” Mayor Matt Risser, Town of Lunenburg.
“It is important to our Council and our citizens that Mahone Bay is an inclusive town, one that is open to everyone; the development of this Accessibility Plan has been a tremendous first step to identifying ways that we can accommodate all who wish to enjoy our community.” Mayor David Devenne, Town of Mahone Bay.
Working towards equitable access for all members of our community means that every
For more information about the project, please visit our website at, or send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Media contact:
Sarah Kucharski
Communications Officer
(902) 541-1328
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News release: MODL Awards Emergency Assistance Funding
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- Published: Tuesday, 23 February 2021 13:52

February 23, 2021 / For Immediate Release
MUNICIPALITY OF THE DISTRICT OF LUNENBURG, NOVA SCOTIA – The Municipality of the District of Lunenburg has awarded a second round of funding support for not-for-profit organizations that operate community facilities and fire departments impacted by COVID-19 cancellations.
In the first round of funding awarded in July of 2020, 44 community organizations that operate community facilities received a total of $83,658 in funding. Additionally, $32,500 in emergency assistance funding was given to MODL fire departments. In this round of funding, 55 organizations that operate community facilities received a total of $81,165.
“We continue to see staggering revenue losses by these important community organizations,” says Mayor Carolyn Bolivar-Getson. “Since introducing this program, the Municipality has donated a total of $197,323 to our community organizations that operate community facilities. We hope this emergency funding will help these organizations during this challenging time.”
pdf Complete list of 2021 Funding Recipients (122 KB)
Media contact:
Sarah Kucharski
Communications Officer
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(902) 541-1328